Denroy Limited, 9 - 11 Balloo Drive, Bangor Co. Down, Northern Ireland BT19 7QY, Tel:+44 (0) 28 9147 4822
Established in 1972, Denroy Limited is one of the UK's foremost providers of precision plastic injection mouldings, and is a subsidiary of Denroy Group Limited.
Established in 1972, Denroy Limited is one of the UK's foremost providers of precision plastic injection mouldings, and is a subsidiary of Denroy Group Limited.

Denman International Limited, Clandeboye Road, Bangor Co. Down, Northern Ireland BT20 3JH, Tel:+44 (0) 28 9146 2141
Worldwide headquarters for Denman, suppliers of the finest hair brushes and hair care products.
Worldwide headquarters for Denman, suppliers of the finest hair brushes and hair care products.
Denman Inc., 50 Mall Road, Suite 206, Burlington, MA 01803, USA, Tel:781 365 2040
Regional sales office for the United States of America.
Regional sales office for the United States of America.

DenPro, a brand and division of Denroy Limited.